Sisters in Sobriety Texas
AA Responsibility Pledge: "I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that I am responsible."
Welcome! We have online women's meetings.
Four Meetings Every Day, Seven Days A Week.
Four Meetings Every Day, Seven Days A Week.
Meeting times are in the U. S. central time zone.
*Closed meetings are for A.A. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and have a desire to stop drinking.
Join Us for Daily 25-Minute Meditation Sessions
Start your day with clarity and focus by joining us for a brief yet powerful 25-minute meditation session, held every day. These sessions are designed to help you align your mind, body, and spirit, providing the perfect foundation for facing the challenges of the day. Everyone is welcome!
Everyday at 6:30 AM CST
Meditation Meeting ID: 863 5396 0948
Password: peace
12 & 12 Study
Mondays, 12:00 PM CST
Meeting ID: 769 546 850
Password: 2455
12 & 12 Study
Wednesdays, 6:00 PM CST
Meeting ID: 723 249 195
Password: 2455
Big Book Study
Thursdays, 12:00 PM CST
Meeting ID: 769 546 850
Password: 2455
Step 1, 2, 3
Fridays, 6:00 PM CST
Meeting ID: 723 249 195
Password: 2455
Speaker Meeting
Saturdays, 8:00 PM CST
Saturdays, 8:00 PM CST
Meeting ID: 167 382 994
Password: 2455
Traditions Study
Fridays, 8:00 PM CST
Fridays, 8:00 PM CST
Meeting ID: 167 382 994
Password: 2455
"Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers." - Tradition 5
Please note that in the event a chairperson does not show up for their commitment, it is our responsibility is to step up in service and open the meeting (for those with who have the host code). Generally, there will be someone in the meeting who is willing to step in and chair.
7th Tradition Basket
Make a contribution to Sisters in Sobriety Texas Group.
"AA group themselves ought to be fully supported by the voluntary contributions of their own members." - Tradition 7
Make checks payable to:
Sisters In Sobriety Texas
8510 Greenleaf Lake Drive
Houston, TX 77095
Do you need to phone into our online Meeting? Find the phone number and login information HERE
Learn more about Alcoholics Anonymous and being a Newcomer
Access AA approved literature and links to online resources.
Get Connected
Get connected with Sisters in Sobriety Texas, and request a phone list.
7th Tradition
Learn how to make a Seventh Tradition Contribution